Calm, and peaceful, Kevin O'Leary is the solo artist of Lucky Street. He recently formed Lucky Street in the summer of 2010. The project is based out of Philadelphia where Kevin is a student at Villanova. The band is a pop, pop/punk, tranquil composition that takes influences from a lot of the pop influenced bands you hear today. Kevin O'Leary has yet to release an album, but his first one is coming out in the spring. That means, stay tuned and watch out for its release. Daringly, Kevin O'Leary has also composed a cover of the famous Mayday Parade's "Miserable at Best", and it's really good. The entire song is made up of fantastic piano, and vocals. I got a chance to talk with Kevin about his newly found project and how it was going.
Me: What has been the hardest thing to accomplish with Lucky Street?
Kevin: I think the hardest aspect of being in a new band is gaining a steady and consistent fan base. You have to have fans that want to listen to your music over and over again and that will eventually buy your cd and see your shows. I try to get dedicated fans by writing the best music I can and then reaching out to the fans. I answer every message and comment that people send me, whether it is positive or negative.
Me: What's it like being a solo artist? Is it harder than being in a band? Easier?

Me: What keeps you playing music?
Kevin: I just love it. I love creating melodies and I love performing. Writing and recording music is a lot of work, but it is a lot of fun.
Me: Who is your biggest fan?
Kevin: My girlfriend Taylor is definitely my biggest fan. She is there for me at every part of the writing process. She is the closest thing to a band mate I have with Lucky Street. I bounce every melody and lyric off of her on all of my songs.
Me: If you could play a show with any band in the world, who would it be? Why?
Kevin: Definitely Blink-182. I know everyone says Blink, but that just shows Blinks' importance. No one has had more of an impact on this scene then Blink and it'd be an incredible honor to play with them. Blink 182 will always be one of my favorite bands and if I could open up for them, I could die happy.
Me: Best movie of all time?
Kevin: That's a tough one. I know for sure that my favorite horror movie is The Omen, the original one. For other genres though I'm not so sure. I'd probably say 500 Days of Summer is my favorite comedy. I could watch that movie 100 times and that movie would still make me incredibly happy.
The best thing about his project is how much it brings you back to what music was originally intended for. Emotions. His music has a way of making you feel happy, and very calm with yourself. I definitely like Lucky Street's style, it's a bit of fresh air. You can check out his page on PureVolume here and download "Sky diving" and his cover of "Miserable at Best" for free! I'd also recommend "liking" Lucky Street on Facebook here . I'm sure this will not be the last time you hear the name Lucky Street. Feel free to comment!