Me: How often do you practice?
Danny Katz: Since we're all students at the University of Illinois we have to fit in practices around class. But we try to practice at least 3-4 times a week for about 2-3 hours.We practice in the basement of the house I live in so it's really nice to have a large space we can be loud in. That's hard to come by on a college campus.
Me: What are your dreams for Good Luck Jane?

Me: What's your favorite movie of all time?
Danny Katz: My favorite movie would have to be School of Rock. I saw it back in seventh or eighth grade and afterward at school me and a couple of my friends would sneak into the music room after school and play guitar, piano, and drums together. It really was my first inspiration to start a band, plus Jack Black was awesome in it.
Me: What's your biggest fear?
Danny Katz: Personally my biggest fear is that I would somehow permanently injure one of my hands so I couldn't be able to play my instruments anymore. Not being able to do what you've put so many years of hard work into would just be devastating.
Me: What's the best way fans can stay in touch with what Good Luck Jane is doing?
Danny Katz: We're all over the internet. We've got a facebook fan page -
There you are! If you are fans of the pop/punk or pop/rock music scene then I would give Good Luck Jane a shot. If you also think Bryce Avery is a god (like myself) then check these guys out. I heard a little The Rocket Summer in these guys, which is a good thing in my book. My favorite song has to be "Hollywood" off of their Word of the Week EP. It's got a fantastic keyboard part to it, as well as a great lyrical message. Make sure to check out some of their websites listed above. You can also listen to some of their stuff on PureVolume here. Feel free to leave comments!
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