Punk Goes Pop 3
November 2, 2010

I was upset by the cover of "Blame It" by Of Mice & Men. I honestly can say, I don't care for the band much anymore after they kicked Austin Carlile. I dislike Jerry Roush being in the band. It's not that I don't think he's good, I just think he's better suited elsewhere. I'm about to make a bold statement so bear with me. Austin Carlile is the best screamer I have ever heard. There I said it. When I went to the OM&M show, his screams made me just about shit myself. That however, is another story. The other cover I don't care for is the one by Miss May I. The band originated very close to where I live now, so I seen them perform long before they were "famous". The band is nothing that it used to be. If you ask me, they got a bit cocky. They used to have a lot of heart for what they do, and now they seem like they don't care to me. I personally think this is because they think they have already "made it". The cover itself was simply OK. It just didn't impress me. Let's move on to the good before I piss off more people than I already have.
Breathe Carolina killed it. Woe, Is Me killed it. Artist Vs. Poet killed it. Mayday Parade, Asking Alexandria, This Century, The Word Alive, Family Force 5, The Ready Set, Cute Is What We Aim For, Sparks The Rescue, and We Came As Romans all killed it. I could make a novel long post of all the good things that Punk Goes Pop 3 brings to the table. My top three happen to be, The Ready Set, The Word Alive, and Artist Vs. Poet. Not in that order. Keep in mind though, that was very hard to narrow down. Another noteworthy one is Breathe Carolina.
The Ready Set managed to cover "Airplanes" by B.o.B amazingly. I was a bit skeptical at first before I heard the song, because Hayley Williams nails it so well. However, Jordan did it again, and created a hit song. I'd like to hear him pair up with Hayley Williams though. Now that would be awesome. The Word Alive covers "Heartless" by Kanye West. The beginning is my favorite, but the whole song is great, especially the dual vocals in the song, between clean singing and screaming. Artist Vs. Poet covered a hit song by Lady Gaga "Bad Romance". It's fantastic. They even manage to give it the "lady gaga" feel, while still retaining their pop/rock glory.
All-in-all Punk Goes Pop 3 is worth picking up. Especially if you are already a fan of the series. Feel free to comment and tell me what you favorites on the album are!
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